
Our Academy

Standens Barn Primary School is a wonderful school and community.


Our dedicated team of staff strive to deliver an exciting and inspiring curriculum to ensure our children make excellent academic progress whilst developing the skills they need to achieve their goals and to reach for their aspirations.

We place great value on the teaching and learning of core and foundation subjects whilst continually encouraging our children to be creative and to explore ideas through a variety of themed days and a number of extracurricular clubs. 

Our whole school staff continually strive to ensure we prepare our children for the world in which they live and to equip them to be resilient. We develop their interactions and expose them to new experiences and opportunities. 



I am incredibly proud of our children and their achievements, as well as their determination to follow and demonstrate our school ethos of BEST- Brave, Enthusiastic, Safe and Thoughtful.

I am also very proud of the wonderful community we have. The support we receive from our parents, families and visitors is invaluable to us and plays a significant role in helping the children make progress.

We warmly welcome you to visit our school first hand and to watch us being BEST- you will be impressed by what you see and how we work.

Mrs Amie James

Standens Barn Primary School is part of InMAT 

CEO: Helen Williams

For more information please visit 

Inspire Multi Academy Trust is a company limited by guarantee registered in England & Wales No. 10427291