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Dates for your diary - at a glance . . .


Term 6

Monday 3rd June 2024 until Tuesday 23rd July 2024

Wednesday 5th June - Year 2 trip to Warwick Castle

Friday 7th June - Year 6 trip to Drayton Manor

Thursday 13th June - Summer Disco 

Monday 24th June - Year 6 trip to the beach

Tuesday 25th June – New Reception intake - Get ready for school – 2-3pm

Wednesday 26th June - Sports day (weather permitting) tbc

Thursday 27th June – Year 1 trip to Abington Park

Tuesday 2nd July – New Reception intake – Get ready for school – 2-3pm

Monday 8th July - Transfer day/afternoon (all years)

Tuesday 9th July - Transfer day for some Year 6 - secondary schools

Wednesday 10th July - Year 2 Extravaganza

Wednesday 10th July - Sports day, back up day!

Thursday 11th July - Year 6 Prom

Monday 15th July - Reports out and open afternoon

Tuesday 16th July - Year 6 production (evening)

Wednesday 17th July - Year 6 production (evening)

Thursday 18th July - Year 4 WWII production 2.15pm in the school hall

Tuesday 23rd July - Year 6 leavers assembly 1.30pm in the school hall

Tuesday 23rd July - Last day of Term 6 - End of Year!

Summer school holidays - Wednesday 24th July until Tuesday 3rd September

School re-opens to all year groups on Wednesday 4th September.


Please look out for emails relating to these events

Also, please see our online calendar 


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